Monday, November 8, 2010

"Grey's Anatomy" - separation anxiety

Coming off of the previous refreshing documentary style episode, "That's Me Trying" was a return to form, but with a twist of November Sweepiness added for extra punch. Lining up all the bombshells took me off guard since we haven't had huge developments like this since last season's finale.Long story short, Arizona and Callie broke up after coming to (verbal) blows in an airport. Christina had a seemingly successful day only to quit her job. Meredith found out that Christina harbors a lot of resentment and blame at her for what she's going through. Bailey tried to find out why Mandy Moore's character died from a routine surgery. Mark and Lexie got along while handling a case of epic (rear) proportions. Owen trained the doctors in trauma response. And we learned that April is still an irritating psycho.

I suppose I'll go backwards, since I kind of listed them in order of descending importance in the episode. With both characters having "cute" freak outs every other episode, it seems like they are trying to cast April as Lexie 2.0. But I don't find April anywhere as likable as Lexie, who took a while to appeal to me, but she eventually became more than just a chipper anti-dark and twisty, anti-Meredith. I suppose April would make a good trauma surgeon in the field, as Owen suspected, but in a hospital, she seems like she's going to snap any moment and go on the second shooting spree. But that's just me. Apparently some people find her endearing. I'm just not one of them. So you can check me off the list of people who want her to hook up with Alex in some way. Izzie, in her heyday, was a strong woman. Alex needs a strong woman, not this strange little girl. I'm also still hoping they do more with Avery. He's a member of the main cast now, he should get time to deal with his trauma.

Lexie's little freak-out, on the other hand, is in character for her. She lets out her crazy in small bursts and in a justified way. Her relationship with Mark really did go to a weird place, but I'm still holding out hope they can get back together now that his daughter is gone. Bailey got her usual - the heartwrenching storyline mixed with Bailey's trademark world-weary snark. She worked with the pathologist on the autopsy to try and figure out why someone who survived the Gary Clark shooting spree could die from such a routine surgery. It felt very realistic and frustrating to me, since I'm sure there are times when you just don't know what went wrong. I liked Bailey's point that science and medicine were letting her down and it was clearly freaking her out. I really hope they give her some happier storylines. She almost had one with that one hot doc, but that actor left for something else, so they wrote that Bailey just couldn't handle a relationship right then to get rid of him. I'm hoping enough time has passed that we can get another romantic interest or just something to give poor Bailey better times. She always gets the most dramatic, most depressing storylines because Chandra Wilson can handle it brilliantly, but she's had enough for now.

I did not see Callie and Arizona's confrontation coming. I figured they'd discuss it calmly and rationally - Callie was only going to Africa to be with the woman she loves, Arizona wasn't not going to go, but she knew Callie didn't really want to go. I kind of loved Arizona's speech that she won the Carter-Madison Grant and is living her dream of helping the tiny humans in Africa. She made some great points since Callie really was being a selfish, passive-aggressive bitch for a lot of the episode. I definitely didn't see the dramatic break-up that happened and I am dying to know how they resolve this. Because I love them together, but I am glad we still get Callie and Mark as friends.
So that brings me to Christina. Oh, Christina. I was wondering why she didn't just quit before, since the only ones who wanted her to be there were the hospital staff. I'm also wondering why she doesn't go for some sort of treatment, since that was what finally got through to Owen after all. I did think she made some great points when she furiously asked Meredith "how are you fine? How are you just completely fine when I am wrecked?" It's a good question, since Meredith was there too. But I suppose it's another freaky thing about science, that trauma affects different people in different ways. It's sadly ironic that Christina performed a difficult surgery all on her own under great stress, showing what a great surgeon she is, only to have it destroy her and all her ambition and drive. In the end, Christina finally went to the Chief and quit. I'm curious as hell to see where this goes and how they get her back to herself again. Also, we now have some friendship mending to do between the twisted sisters.

I'm already getting separation anxiety. The relationships are what make "Grey's Anatomy" strong and have made it especially strong this year, so it freaks me out a little when they divide so many people in one fell swoop. But it is nice to not know what's coming and actually be shocked by a plot turn now and then.

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