Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Featured article: "'The Event' is One Big, Entertaining Disaster"

I came across this article on this morning and loved it. Whenever someone posts an article about how much they aren't liking a show or how much a show sucks, every commentor comes to its defense and insists that the writer is just a hater who doesn't even like TV. Yes, it's debate in its finest form. No one can acknowledge that some shows aren't as good as they think they are and some people aren't just being bitter, jaded, miserable humans when they criticize a show. I don't know why I'm still shocked every time a commentor insults the writer rather than their writing. Maybe because the writer made some good points and it's easier to attack a person you don't even know than address the points they raised?

Anyway, here's the link. "'The Event' is One Big, Entertaining Disaster"

It talks about how "The Event" is bad but, for the writer, it's still fun. I agree that it's bad but I was definitely not entertained. If anyone reads my blog and also watches this show, I'm very curious to know why you still do (watch the show, that is). I watched "Heroes" for years way after it got bad, so I'm always interested in why other people stick with bad shows. At least "Heroes" had one great season to get me hooked before it slid downhill.

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