Thursday, November 4, 2010

ABC Wednesday - Chirp Chirp, Bang Bang

I'll only be covering "Modern Family" and "Cougar Town" since I only watched the season premieres of the other two and never want to have to watch "Better With You" ever again. But the second hour of ABC Wednesday's comedy line-up is like a gift from above, filled with great pop culture shout-outs and fun characters doing what they do best.

"Modern Family" - "Chirp"
This week's episode found Claire and Hayley sick, Phil hunting for a chirping smoke detector, Jay and Gloria celebrating a mysterious anniversary, and Cam and Mitchell fighting about Lily's acting debut. I normally love Cam and Mitchell, but their storyline was the weakest in this episode. It's unfortunate because normally the show fires on all cylinders, but even when one storyline is weaker, the episode is still pretty good. The smoke detector was used to great comedic effect, with it chirping and secretly saying that Phil isn't a man, because men are in charge of the smoke detectors. When Claire's gym buddy comes to return her lost cell phone and he says that Claire never mentioned she had a husband, the smoke detector chirps and it's a perfectly timed moment. Meanwhile, an old but reliable gag was going on between Claire and Hayley, when Claire tried to convince her daughter not to settle down with Dylan or else she will regret it. (Sidenote: I was thrilled to see the return of Dylan. He's great in small doses though). Of course Hayley didn't get that Claire was talking about her and Dylan, she thought Claire was talking about Phil. Jay had a heartwarming little moment with Manny but I also loved his confusion over which anniversary he was celebrating with Gloria, since she celebrates every little moment in a relationship.

Best of:
  • Jay saying he "took care of Jack" and Gloria asking if he killed him.
  • Gloria insisting that Jay's "resort wear" was more like "last resort" wear
  • Hayley reassuring Dylan that he "doesn't have to conceive of a world without [her]"
  • Luke wanting to sell the "organ" and asking Phil to drive him to the black market.
  • Jay trying to get Gloria to finish his sentences and expose their plans for the night (unsuccessfully)
  • Dylan's sex dream about Claire. Made even funnier later by Hayley telling him "I'm just in bed with my mom. Stop freaking out! It is not coming true!"
  • Every time the smoke detector chirped, especially the last time that sent Phil into a destructive rage
  • Luke in the background trying to eat a cookie with the space helmet on.

"Cougar Town" - "Fooled Again (I Don't Like It)"
If I could recommend only one show for a person to watch this week, it would be "Cougar Town." It had its usual mix of crazy gags but added in a "Spaced" reference and a brilliant homage to "The Usual Suspects." It was Jules' birthday and, naturally, this was turned into a big contest between everyone trying to get her the best gift. Travis and Bobby had their own odd adventure conquering a neti pot, which is apparently some fancy thing for clearing up congestion.

Best of:
  • "(Modern) Cougar Town" this week. I absolutely adore the opening credits gag. It's a small, self-aware way to address the title debate.
  • Calling sensitive men "sensies." A nice "Scrubs" callback.
  • If a couple actors hadn't already crossed over from "Scrubs," I would wish that they took place in the same universe. I'm not sure what that would mean though...maybe some guest spots from alumni as their old characters.
  • Jules takes her Disney characters very seriously. It was mighty impressive, rattling off the dwarves' names that fast.
  • Laurie finding an app for dramatic sound effects. Sabotage should always be announced in fabulously dramatic fashion.
  • Jules forcibly changing Grayson's age, especially since it makes her absolutely NOT a cougar!
  • Andy and Jules, Hot Dog and Stick!
  • The visual gag of Bobby's nose leaking.
  • Laurie tricking Grayson and winning the contest.
  • Bobby asking about Travis' neti pot. "Is this another one of those snooty college things like that picnic basket you take to the shower?"
  • Jules laying down the law about her birthday. "Okay, a few birthday ground rules: no gag gifts, no gift cards, and nothing that I'm supposed to love because it's charitable. Laurie, I'm still pissed you saved an elephant in my name!"
  • Bobby: "Hey College! I'm calling you College now because you go to college." Travis: "Yeah I pieced that together."
  • Barb's appearance, wanting to tell Jules "about my trip to London and all the time I spent under Big Ben." Andy led her away with "look! A high school track team hosing each other down!"
  • Ellie: "Jules, he's an evil genius. He's Keyser Soze!" Jules: "No he's not!" Ellie: "Yes he is!" Jules: "He's not! God! (pause) Who's Keyser Soze?"
  • Ellie sitting Jules down to watch "The Usual Suspects." Jules: "You told me before it started that Kevin Spacey was Keyser Soze and I was still surprised! Wait, was he Keyser Soze?" Ellie: "Yes!" Jules: "Alright, so the crippled guy was his evil twin?" Ellie: "No, same guy!" Jules: "Well let's just agree to disagree."
  • Jules: "I know you want me to believe Andy is Kiefer Doozy" - even after Ellie makes Jules watch the movie.
  • The flashback to Andy making up a story about his grandmother based on random things behind Jules. Also, the parody of the ending where they show that Andy really was faking his sprained ankle. Andy as an evil genius was unexpected but fantastic.
  • After Bobby comes back from the hospital. Travis: "So you poured this whole pitcher directly into your lungs? I mean, at some point you must have know you were drowning. Why didn't you stop?" Bobby: "Bobby Cobb never quits!" Travis: "Not even at killing himself?" Bobby: "Not even. That stupid college death pot!" Travis: "Still not a college thing." Bobby: "Whatever, man, it's still the most dangerous thing on my boat." Travis: "Really? I'm going to spin around and say the first thing I see. Loaded flare gun on a jar full of gasoline!" Bobby: "Well that's for when the rats come!"
  • Later, Bobby: "You ever looked death in the eye, Trav?" Travis: "Well now that that jar of gasoline has a flaming can of Sterno next to it, I'd have to say yes."
  • Travis: "Dad, let me list some actual college things, like indie bands, freshman 15, dabbling in lesbianism (that's for girls), encouraging girls to dabble in lesbianism (that's for guys), ramen noodles, keggers, having a black roommate that makes you feel self-conscious about singing all your favorite rap songs..."
  • Travis walking in on the Finger Guns Mexican Standoff, asking "what are we doing? Somebody tell me what we're doing!"
  • The final Finger Gunfight. Utterly silly, but all the better because it was a reference to "Spaced." Bill Lawrence confirmed it, even though Travis said "I love 'Spaced'" as he was falling.
  • Because it's awesome, Entertainment Weekly posted a whole article about the reference and posted all the videos of it and in reference to it: "Cougar Town" does "Spaced"-inspired finger gun shootout: Watch!"

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