I love television. My screen name says it all: I am tvgirl48. The 48 even stands for the first two numbers in the cursed sequence of numbers on "Lost" (4 8 15 16 23 42). I used to run a blog on tvguide.com before they sold the website name, moved to a different site, and abolished the community section. The tvguide blog community dispersed and set up their own private blogs, and I moved on to other online sites like Entertainment Weekly and Television Without Pity. But too often, Entertainment Weekly is too mainstream for me and has to focus on a wide array of subjects and often way too many reality shows. Television Without Pity, on the other hand, deals solely in television but too often mistakes snobbery and pretentiousness for snark. So after much deliberation, I decided to do the only logical thing in the 21st century: create my own site for voicing my opinions, whether anyone wants to hear them or not. So to introduce myself and what my blog will be like, here's a little about me:
- I don't believe in guilty pleasures. I think too many people lie about what they like/don't like just to avoid ridicule, especially with the advent of Internet bullies who hide behind their anonymity to judge other people. I make no apologies for the things I like. I love music with a healthy dose of cheese and therefore adore 80s and 90s pop. I watch the Ace Ventura movies every time they're on TV and I laugh. I like to watch Dr. Phil occasionally. I enjoy chick flicks that aren't absolute trash. I try not to judge so I invite others to confess their "guilty pleasures" and revel in them. Life is too short to lie about what makes you happy.
- On this same note, I don't care for snobbery. I'll try to avoid it at all costs (I'm only human and I can get carried away when contemplating the popularity of procedurals and reality shows). This is more relevant in the realm of music when you encounter people who are passionate in their dismissal of music as a subjective form and insist that THEIR taste is the only good one.
- I don't write professionally, so I don't feel any requirements as of yet to see certain things just because "everyone else has." I'll admit, I have not seen "Avatar. I never had any desire to see it and still don't. I'm not going to shell out 10+ bucks to see a movie I don't even want to see just out of some responsibility to the Pop Culture Gods. Now, I'm not going to announce the fact that I didn't watch something as proof of my superiority, like I'm above it all. And I'm going to try my hardest not to criticize something I haven't seen. I even read the Twilight novels just so I could decide for myself whether they were crap or not.
- I'll mostly be writing about television, but I plan on writing about movies, celebrities, and other pop culture things that strike my fancy at any given time.
And so I sign off my first blog post, hoping it's the start of a beautiful friendship with....well, someone who might enjoy and share in my passion. (Also hoping that I don't sound too pretentious in the written form). So I'll sign off with one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies, "You've Got Mail:"
"Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder: do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void."
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